You have 5 minutes to MAKE YOUR PITCH so make it count!

1. Craft a Concise Story: Prepare a narrative about your chosen nonprofit organization. Aim to convey its essence in under five minutes. Focus on:

  • What the organization does.

  • How they achieve their goals.

  • Whom they impact.

Condense these points into a compelling, brief narrative. Remember, clarity is critical. If you're unsure about presenting your organization effectively, take a step back. Refine your understanding and return to the pitch with confidence.

2. Bring a Voice from the Organization: If you believe that a representative from the nonprofit can offer a deeper insight or personal touch to the pitch, consider bringing them along. Their firsthand experience can further validate your claims and provide a unique perspective.

3. Connect with the Heart: Share the emotional drive behind your nomination. Help the group grasp:

  • Why you chose this particular organization or charity.

  • Its significance to you personally.

Your genuine connection can inspire others to feel the same passion.

4. Be Transparent About Funding: Ensure transparency about the donation’s utilization. While a detailed financial breakdown isn't necessary, it's crucial to provide:

  • A clear overview of where the funds will be directed.

  • The impact of the contribution.

Be ready to answer any related questions during the Q & A. By understanding and conveying the donation's purpose, you'll confidently present your case to the group and instill trust.